Rev. Emma Duncan
Gary Evans, Clerk of session

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Holy Week services at Knox

It has been 40 long years, but once again there will be Holy Week services at Knox Church.

Session decided in late fall that it was important that the church be open at this most holy time of the year, and made the decision to hold a Maundy Thursday  (7 p.m.) and a Good Friday (9:30 a.m.) service at the church.

Yes, there have been Holy Week services at Knox during those 40 years, but as part of ecumenical services with Wellington Square, Port Nelson and Burlington Baptist churches, meaning that such services were only held here every four years as it was alternated among the various churches.

This year, our interim moderator, the Rev. Bob Docherty will conduct the Maundy Thursday service that will include Communion as well as the Good Friday service, which is being held earlier than our normal worship service so that anyone who still wants to participate in the ecumenical service can still get over to Wellington Square for the 11 a.m. service.

As clerk of session, it was my responsibility to inform the other clergy of the Knox decision, and the following is part of the letter I received signed by the clergy of the other three churches.

We are saddened by your decision, for your presence will be missed. The people and clergy of Knox have contributed much to the spirit of our gatherings. You have richly blessed us in word, song and presence.

We do want you to know that we are grateful that you were able to join us for almost 40 years. This is, indeed, a record of which we can all be proud. Please express our thanks to the members of Session and to the congregation. We look forward to other opportunities when we might worship and serve together as sisters and brothers in Christ.

May God bless you and keep you, as you move forward, as God’s people at Knox Burlington.

A time to thank Trish
Ten weeks ago, I announced that Trish Redding, would be retiring as church administrator, and that if everything fell into place, she would be leaving by the end of February.

It is now going on toward the end of March and Trish is still with us, but only for a few more days as March 28th marks her last day before she heads into retirement.

Bright, cheerful, bubbly, Trish has provided an invaluable service to Knox Church over the years, first as office assistant and then as church administrator, a position she has held for the past five years.

That earlier blog noted that Trish had decided to step down to do things on a personal level, and by the sounds of things, she will be still busy, but busy in much different ways, indeed doing things she never had the time to do with her current responsibilities.

The congregation has an opportunity to thank Trish and wish her well as she travels down a new pathway as everyone is invited to a time of fellowship Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. in Reception Room A and B.

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