Rev. Emma Duncan
Gary Evans, Clerk of session

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer time hours

It’s not only the calendar that tells us that it is summer time, but also the weather, and as a result Knox Church is making a few changes in the timing for summer services and for the church office.

Starting July 1st, the church service will start 30 minutes earlier, that is at 10 a.m. with the hope that the air and the humidity in the sanctuary will be somewhat better. The change in time is for July and August only, so that for Sept. 2, the Sunday of Labor Day weekend, Knox will revert back to 10:30 a.m.

And with so many people being away, and with far less activities around the church, the office hours are being changed so that Trish, our church administrator, has more opportunity to enjoy the days of summer. Once again, for July and August only, the church office will be open from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, with no afternoon hours.

Pulpit supply
This week we welcome Marilyn Repchuck back into the Knox pulpit as the church has reverted to pulpit supply from interim ministry as part of the process as we advance through the stages of calling a new minister.

Strawberry social
And then, after the service, everyone is invited to participate in the Strawberry Social in Fellowship Hall. There will be a freewill offering, and all monies collected, according to the Congregational LIfe committee, will go toward the operating fund.

In recent weeks, an anonymous donor provided the church with the funds to secure an Automatic External Defibrillator, which will be located in a highly visible location just outside of the sanctuary.

While the new models are highly automated, and in fact will talk one through the steps once the case is opened, there will be a training session following the church service on July 15, and all are urged to attend as this session will provide some practical information, and as well, will provide an opportunity to ask questions of Gary Macdonald from the Burlington Fire Department.

The tree is down and now the parking areas will be paved so that might make for some alterations if you are visiting the church at the end of next week. The tree at the end of the driveway was in extremely poor condition, with the core rotting away at an alarming rate, and while it was hoped that it might be on city property – and removed at the city’s expense – it was just over the line and so the board of mangers had it removed.

That was the first step to renovating the parking areas, with the next step to be done Wednesday, June 27 and Thursday, June 28, when the old pavement will be removed, the grade sloped to take rain water away from the foundation and then both lots will be repaved.

But for those two days, visitors will need to park on the street and enter the church by the James Street door. Trish suggests that if you just need to drop something off, phone ahead and she will meet you so that you can avoid parking.

Search committee
And finally, although it is the summertime, the search committee will not be taking a break.  Now that they have completed the church profile, it can be sent out to those ministers who have expressed an interest in Knox, and in fact, some ministers have already responded with their own profiles.

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