Rev. Emma Duncan
Gary Evans, Clerk of session

Friday, September 23, 2011

Rev. Dr. Herb Gale, past moderator

Knox has already had two past moderators preaching from the pulpit in recent weeks, and now, the immediate past moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, the Rev. Dr. Herb Gale will be preaching at Knox Sunday.

It is a distinctive honor for Knox to have so many past moderators preaching at Knox in such a short time frame, with Rev. Dr. Allan McPherson and Ms. Wilma Welsh having been with us during the summer months.

Dr. Gale was well known by Rev. Mark who had indicated on many occasions that he would like to invite the past moderator to Knox once his term as the moderator of the 136th General Assembly was completed, and in fact the invitation was one of the first initiatives taken by Rev. Thomas Kay when he became interim moderator of Knox following Mark’s death.

 In addition to being the immediate past moderator, Dr. Gale is the Associate Secretary for Planned Giving in the Life and Mission Agency for the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The national website notes that “Planned Giving is a way of being responsible stewards of the blessings God has entrusted to us”.

Everyone is encouraged to stay for a luncheon following the service in the Fellowship Hall, being served by ladies of the church; which will also give people an informal opportunity to greet our past moderator, and for him to bring us some informal words out of his experience visiting the churches in Canada and overseas during his year as moderator.

Prayer requests
The Knox worship committee met recently, and one of their initiatives was to encourage requests for prayer to be phoned in during the week, either directly to Rev. John Duff, or through the church office, for inclusion in the prayers of the people at Sunday worship.

Grief Recovery program
As part of our interim ministry program, the  Rev. Linda Corry has planned two dates for a Grief Recovery Seminar: Thursday, October 13 at 10:00 am or Monday, October 17 at 7 pm.  This seminar is for everyone who has experienced loss of any kind and for anyone who would like to be more informed about loss and grief in the future.  This 2-hour seminar will help deal with issues such as death, divorce, job loss, changes in health and finances.  The seminar will also lead to other programs planned including “The Grief Recovery Outreach Program" or "When Children Grieve" and "Spirituality 101".  Please contact Linda for more information at and contact the office to register for one of these two seminars.

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